Monday, March 29

Who's My Pretty Baby?

We are LOVING this weather.  Well, when a day has decided it wants to be beautiful and warm.  Our days are often spent in the front yard playing golf or walking to the park with friends.  We also love Easter Egg Hunts.  David is really really into hunting for Easter Eggs.  We had one in the front yard yesterday when our church hunt was cancelled due to weather.  And then we spent morning with our precious playgroup hunting eggs with 11 other kiddos.  Our playgroup is SUCH a wonderful blessing to us.  We had a blast and are looking forward to yet another egg hunt this coming weekend.

The title of this post comes from our favorite song by Elizabeth Mitchell.  It is called Who's My Pretty Baby? and David LOVES for us to sing it over and over again.  It has the sweetest lyrics.  Go buy it on iTunes.

(new post below about our baby girl)

1 comment:

Alicia said...

So cute! Caroline and David crack me up, they are too funny!