Wednesday, January 27

Love this Boy

We are having so much fun watching this little guy become a boy. He is full of all kinds of conversation and basically gives us a running commentary of his every move. We have joked he has taken up tweeting and is a trendy hipster for his age. He loves to narrate life as it unfolds: Ohh, I fall down. I get up. I did it! Push chair over here, this way. Put cup right here. I jump, I run, Day-Day loves Mommy, Day-Day put cup in sink, etc. It is amazing to me the kind of information his brain is able to absorb and understand. Yesterday he asked me if I was Daddy's wife. Today he wanted to leave Evie at home because he was afraid he was going to have to take her to Nanny's house with him. He also refuses to bring toys to playgroup and says no bring truck, no share. Leave Mommy's house. He is definitely up front about his issues with sharing. He will be starting school in August and I think it is going to be REALLY good for him. He has grown more shy by the day and now refuses to speak to anyone who does not consider his "people." Usually if I ask him to say hello to someone who stops by, he responds with "I Shy." I was an extremely shy child until about 1st grade, so I am not surprised this. I just hope that school will help him feel comfortable in his own skin away from family. Oh, and the pictures above are some of the fun things he has been doing around here. He loves to show Evie his books and "read" to her. However, I cannot leave them unsupervised. After reading this story he tried to sit on her. :) Lastly, he LOVES to rough house with his Daddy and lately has been learning how to line up on the line for football. He loves to say "Down, Hut!!" and run. I know Grant is itching for Spring so they can get back to playing outside after work.
(New Evie post below)

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