It is amazing how different siblings can be. Evie isn't able to do anything other than eat, sleep, cry, and poop--but she is doing it all in a different way than her brother.
This child is a little lady. She cannot stand a dirty diaper. In contrast, her brother could live in a dirty diaper for days--and never complained about it as a baby either. Girls really are dainty!
David preferred to sleep on his stomach and Evie sleeps REALLY well on her back.
She does not have a strong suck reflex and doesn't have a real need for a pacifier unless she is hungry or fussy in the car seat. On the other hand, David treats his pacifier as a fifth appendage and could not live without it as a newborn.
Evie is not a good eater and could really go without a bottle if I did not encourage her to continue on. David used to GULP down his entire bottle, then scream after it was empty. She could care less about milk and rarely finishes a bottle.
At this age, David hated the car and Evie absolutely loves it.
She is in the 10% for height and at this age, David was in the 90%.
David screamed throughout bath time and diaper changes and this little lady is all about some pampering. She LOVES to have her hair washed and her diaper changed. This makes for a happy Momma considering we probably change her diaper 10 times a day.
I am also a happy Momma because Evie has slept through the night three nights in a row now. I am not sure how permanent this will be---but as of now she has dropped her 230 feeding and is going 11 to 6. It is MUCH easier to be a good Momma for a busy 2 year old when I have some real sleep under my belt. Overall, I am starting to feel like we have turned the corner on chaos and are enjoying this new normal as I hoped we would. Today was our second Sunday in church and it was so nice to be back in fellowship and be ministered to after being away for so long. In addition, I have cut down the time it takes to get all 3 of us ready and out of the house to 45 minutes when we are in a pinch. It is a miracle and many days I sit in the driveway and have no recollection of how I got there. :) The Lord has given me the strength and patience I need for each day. Praise Him! Oh and we LOVE Evie!!!!