Monday, June 2

Milky McEstess

This man loves milk.  I find it quite endearing when this little guy one-hands his bottle and scratches his little head while sucking down this favorite liquid treat: milk.

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The Picardy's said...

I just love it!!! He is so funny and I only hope that SK will one day learn to feed herself!

The Wilbanks said...

This is SOOO cute. He is so happy. Do you realize that in a little over 3 moths he will be a YEAR old?? What happened to our sweet BABY Dave??? Sad.

The Wilbanks said...

This is SOOO cute. He is so happy. Do you realize that in a little over 3 moths he will be a YEAR old?? What happened to our sweet BABY Dave??? Sad.

The Wilbanks said...

Sorry about that.

Unknown said...

He knows its my favorite when he scratched his head...that's why he did it. Because he misses me... :)