Monday, June 23

No Fear

Though this child looks like me, he certainly does not have my insides.  When I was young I had an extreme aversion to sand.  There are pictures of me standing on the beach on a flattened cardboard box with my arms extended screaming.  I would not touch the sand and most certainly never ventured off the shaded blanket to explore unchartered beach.  

I have been interested to see how David would do on the beach.  The last time he was around sand was before he could really move.  I think he may have been too young to be bothered by it anyways.  This past weekend at the lake we played on the beach almost every day.  

Day 1: He was cautious yet curious.  He didn't voluntarily crawl off the blanket and he would carefully squeeze the sand between his fingers.  After a hand was covered in sand, he actually would stop using it.  He literally acted like that hand did not exist.  It was funny, but I was beginning to think he was going to be a scaredy-cat like I was.

Day 2: Dave went ALL OUT.  I had him all cleaned up and ready to go eat lunch, no swimmie diaper and no bathing suit.  All of a sudden he just takes off crawling towards the water with no hesitation.  He was on a mission.  The little man proceeded to crawl straight into the water and squeal with delight.  He even rolled around in the sand and tried to eat a few handfuls.  Phew!  I think he is going to be a bit more brave than I had anticipated.

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