Monday, December 7

We are falling

in love!! Evie has just slipped right into our little family unit and everything seems to be fitting so perfectly. David has surprised us all with his incredible interest and adoration of her. He is constantly wanting to 'See Evie' or 'Talk Evie.' He has done SO well with the entire transition and I am just nearly holding my breath to see when he may decide he is done being so cooperative and cute about this whole baby sister business. I am in some serious need of sleep, so I will save a detailed update with pictures from our time at home for later. All I should really say is that God's faithfulness is unending. His lovingkindess and goodness continues to rock my world. Praise Him.
*disclaimer--our first few days have not been without challenge. I will be sure to chronicle the last few days with more transparency sometime this week. As of now, I am still recovering from last night's festivities. :)

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Dorothy said...

First...the picture of you holding Evie in the chair. It's quite ridiculous how amazing you look ONE day after having a baby.

Second...David holding her. He has the cutest loving look on his face!

Annie said...

I second Dorothy's comment :) You look SO radiant and lovely in that picture and David does look so excited, like he already knows that she is his sibling. Love it