Sunday, December 20

Things To Remember

Wrestling with Daddy

I find it so funny that David refuses to go into his playroom alone because the Santa Clause scares him. He routinely comes to me and says--Santa look me. I scared.

He cracked us up by trying to use his sippy cup as a breast pump on his tummy. He is obsessed with the machinery of the pump and constantly asks me if I need to pump and reassures me he will turn it on and off for me.

David has these precious moments where he is just enamored with Evie. He will come up to her and ask for a hug and take her little arms and wrap them around his neck while saying--Awww. Then he will just look at me and say--I like her. He also loves it when her eyes are wide open and he always laughs and says--Mommy, Evie look me. Funny. Laugh.

I love it when he speaks in third person---which is all the time these days. He calls himself "Day-Day" and loves to say things like--Day Day sleepy. Day Day's milk. Day Day go bye bye too? My favorite is when he wants to pretend he is a baby and when I say--Aww, be my little baby. He responds with--No Mommy, I Day-Day.

He is only ever threatened by Evie when my Mom (his Nanny) is holding her. I say "his" Nanny because he truly believes she belongs to him. You can say something like---David, that's my Nanny and he immediately shoots back--NO, MY Nanny. All this to say, he does not love it when she is holding the baby. He often will repeatedly say--Mommy, hold Evie--basically insinuating he would like for Nanny to get rid of Evie and fast.

I can tell he is slowly getting worn down by how long and often I have to nurse Evie at this age. He always comes up to me about half way through a feeding and with great exasperation says--Evie, done eating????

He does not love to stop long enough for a diaper change, so when his diaper is dirty I will often ask him if he pooped. He always responds with--No, Mommy. No poop. I TOOTED.

Whenever I need to care for Evie, David is quick to call out---Back, Minute!! Stool! He then comes running down the hallway with his little stool and proceeds to climb up on it so he can watch whatever is being done.

I am cherishing this tender age where every single boo-boo MUST be kissed in order to not hurt so much. I will say we do a lot of boo-boo kissing around here because our little man is slightly on the clumsy side (he comes by it genetically), but I will never grow tired of it because I know this will change in a quick few years.

I love it when he stands in the front doorway and shouts out 'MARLEY' which really sounds like 'MARYEE'. Then he proceeds to order him to his taco which is what we call his bed. The poor dog just looks at him like he is crazy to think he will obey.

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