Sunday, December 13

Blessed Life

So far, we are making it fairly well. I have been really surprised by Evie's sleep patterns and am blessed to receive 4plus hours of sleep after midnight. I have started setting my alarm to feed her because she really isn't gaining weight--which makes me wonder why she is not waking up hungry. I guess she is just still in that newborn coma phase. We are having so much fun getting to know her. I feel pretty good about having both of them at home with me all day---the next task will be for us to get out the house alone before noon, ha!! I am still learning how to nurse Evie and get us all dressed in a timely manner without Grant's help. Luckily, I cannot drive yet--so I am forced to enjoy the time at home in these early weeks.

David has changed so much since Evie arrived. He is talking in sentences and truly talks He has done really well with sharing his beloved attention--just a few meltdowns that we can either attribute to his two year oldness or the huge transition he is having to make. He is still obsessed with music and now really loves to sing into anything that can pose as a microphone. He can count to 11, identify all his shapes and colors (except for blue, not sure what to think about that) and knows all his letters. After watching Leap Frog Letter Factory, he is able to tell us the phonetical sound of each letter which truly surprised me since he has not been into the alphabet all that much before turning 2. He loves to feed Marley and help with Evie by offering her a paci seven hundred times a day. He doesn't really want to hold her longer than 30 seconds, but likes to know where she is at all times. I have been really pleased with his ability to play alone in his playroom while I nurse what seems like 23 hours a day. So far, we are watching lots of movies and wearing pajamas quite a bit, ha!

Evie will be 2 weeks on Tuesday and I can't believe we are halfway to her one month birthdate--time truly goes into fast forward when children are involved. Overall, I am just so thankful to be feeling good and pretty rested given the circumstances. I am also grateful for how David has transisted---I am still struggling a bit with not being able to care for him like I used to--but I know it is good for him to gain some independence at this age. God is good and we are especially excited to celebrate Christ's birth with our own little baby!!

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Shannon and Clint said...

THese are such sweet pictures! I am so glad that everything is going so well.

Abby Euten said...

We STILL haven't mastered leaving before don't feel bad, it's difficult! Evie is beautiful and they are so sweet together! Dave looks so much older just since her birth, crazy how that happens!

Annie said...

Liz your family looks so precious in your family photo! So impressed y'all are out and about at two weeks! Her bonnet that you made looks perfect and I can't believe that she has dark hair! I can't wait to see y'all when I get home Thursday! I have a cough right now but I am praying for it to subside quickly so that I can hold your baby!

Alicia said...

So sweet! Praying for you all! So proud of Mr. David!

Ashley Matteo said...

wow all the pictures are wonderful. Evie is absolutely precious and it really is not fair that you look so good in the hospital! im so thankful david is transitioning so well and that Evie is sleeping well.