Here is an example of the two year old brain at work. I love it when I get little glimpses of what he is picking up on from day to day. I could see the wheels in his brain turning as he was meticulously lining up his little people. Then his precious little voice shouted, CAMERA! So, I ran to get my camera and waited for what might unfold. He proceeded to take pictures of his little arrangement and then decided that he wanted the 'doctor' to be the photographer. This makes me laugh and also encourages me--he is learning and growing into a little person and I don't want to miss it.
Wednesday, October 21
Budding Photographer
Here is an example of the two year old brain at work. I love it when I get little glimpses of what he is picking up on from day to day. I could see the wheels in his brain turning as he was meticulously lining up his little people. Then his precious little voice shouted, CAMERA! So, I ran to get my camera and waited for what might unfold. He proceeded to take pictures of his little arrangement and then decided that he wanted the 'doctor' to be the photographer. This makes me laugh and also encourages me--he is learning and growing into a little person and I don't want to miss it.
Monday, October 19
We spent the chilly weekend away at Lake Martin--just the 3 of us. It was SO nice. We really are trying to take advantage of these last few weeks where we only have David to pour into and enjoy. Our time was spent making forts, watching football with an unfortunate outcome, cooking delicious food, and collecting rocks, sticks, and pine cones. It was perfect.
We then came home Sunday in time to enjoy the chilly weather. Daddy and David played some golf and took some rides in the golf cart we have yet to return from his birthday party. Meanwhile, I spent the evening nesting like a CRAZY WOMAN. I am so thankful for this burst of productivity, but am definitely paying for it physically!
In David news--2 is the BEST, minus the emotional outbursts that have become common place around here. He has become incredibly attached to his little security blanket--'Blue My'. We will have to cross that bridge at a later date--that and the pacifier. He is only allowed to have his paci in the car or in bed---however, you would think it is attached to his mouth the way he talks about it all day. His obsession with music continues---he now loves to pretend that he is playing the trombone and marches around the house. His interest in letters and numbers has grown and it amazes me how much he has learned since he turned 2--their little brains are unbelievable!! I just hope that we make the transition to big brother---I worry about jealousy and hurt feelings, resentment, etc. I can only pray that his desire to be a 'big helper' can be used to help forge a sweet bond between the two of them. Now, I just need to figure out what I am going to do with both of them all day, ha!
Friday, October 16
Meet Evie
We Love Fall
Today, part of our playgroup ventured to The Great Pumpkin Patch in Hayden, AL. David absolutely loved it--the wagon rides, the trains, the pumpkins, etc. We had a great time with his little friends and I loved getting to watch David enjoy the cold weather and run around picking through all the baby pumpkins. Of course, I wanted a white pumpkin BUT little man was not going to have it---he wanted orange and orange is what he got. He toted it around by the stem and talked about it the entire way home.
Thursday, October 8
Things To Laugh About

2 is seriously such a fun age. It can be exhausting for sure, don't get me wrong. However, 2 is funny. It amazes me how this little man's brain processes things.
As you all probably know, David has a SERIOUS obsession with musical instruments. I mean, I have never seen anything like it. He not only loves the guitar and saxophone, but the tuba, harmonica, french horn, and now the VIOLIN. He basically turned his guitar upside down as pictured above and requested a "bowf" at dinner last night. Leo, Annie, Quincy, and June (Little Einstens on Disney) have really taught him a thing or two about music. I know we definitely have never covered the violin before.
It also makes me laugh how he uses the word "Excuse Me" in various contexts without prompting. We are in a serious clingy phase (I think he can sense change is coming) and he is ALL ABOUT Mommy. This has led to lots of difficult car rides and phone conversations, lunch dates and errands. He absolutely freaks out if he does not have my full attention. Soo, we have been working on how to politely interrupt Mommy's conversations--rather than screaming 'Mommy' over and over again for extreme amounts of time. This is how he has learned about the phrase 'excuse me.' However, he likes to use it least with me and most with his toys. As he navigates his way through a toy covered play room, I hear him saying excuse me over and over again. He also has discovered that burps should be followed by excuse me as well--not sure where he has picked up on this. So funny.
It is so interesting to me how obsessive and tunnel visioned 2 year old children are. He has recently fallen in love with Lightning McQueen from the movie Cars and 'Memo' from Finding Nemo. He loves to call his red cozy coupe a RACECAR and has named it 'Itning McKeen'. He plays in his racecar!! He also is absolutely enamored with any car that looks like mine or Grants. This is cute and all, until we are driving down the road and he sees "Daddy's Car!!" driving alongside us. Usually, this car ends up turning off the road and of course we do not follow. This does not sit well with David as he proceeds to holler "OTHER WAY" for almost 2 minutes after the car spotting. I have learned a lot about explaining. If you are approaching the 2 year old phase of thinking---I highly encourage you to OVERLY explain everything to your child. Detailed explanations have prevented a lot of melt downs around here.
Nursery pictures coming soon!!
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