Saturday, September 11


Here, Evie is just lounging around on the biggest baby king ever, Uncle Jim.  She would like to tell all babies who may be reading, "Sorry kiddos, he's MY uncle."

Let's see.....9 months.

Well, in typical second child fashion, Mama completely forgot the 9 month appointment.  Oops!  However, I do know her weight since we are at the doctor every other week for ear checks :).  At 9 months she was right at 21 pounds!!

No more baby food!!  For about a month now, Evie has been eating purely finger foods and has a pretty impressive pincer grip.  She has only rejected rice and LOVES vegetables.  She actually has turned down pears and gone for broccoli instead.  Odd! 

Baby Evie seems to be quite content with pulling up and crawling.  She doesn't enjoy standing unless she is holding onto a piece of furniture or something.  She is the kind of babe who goes for the plugs, cords, dust bunnies, and dog bones.  All things go directly into this child's mouth!  So, it is no surprise we have had quite a few choking incidents--one including vomiting in a restaurant after inhaling a saltine wrapper.

Evie loves to wave at anyone and everyone.  She is our social child, to say the least.  She just grins, points, and waves at anyone that crosses our path.  She is much more outgoing than her Mama :).  She also loves to play "Where's Evie?" It is hilarious to see her chubby little hands ferociously fling her blanket up and down in front of her face.

Poor girl has just had her 5th ear infection in 6 months.  We are off to the ENT and will probably getting tubes within the month.  I will say, she is an incredible patient.  Though she is up at night from times to time, you would never know she had an ear infection during the day.

She is extremely attached to her pink lamb.  It's poor little face is brown from being sucked on so much.  She also loves to fiddle around with it's ears and will flail her left arm around while being rocked looking for it's little ears.  I think it is very sweet.  I tried to substitute a new and shiny lamb, but Evie was not having it.  She literally stared at it with this look of confusion.  I guess we are stuck with nasty brown lamby....

All in all, she is just about the jolliest child ever.  She adores her Brother and is very tough.  I can tell she knows what she wants and is quite hard headed about things.  She is very demonstrative with her feelings and has no problem communicating frustration.  We have also hit the "Mama's my favorite" stage pretty hard.  She has always been more attached to me than David ever was, but she has grown more clingy lately.  Socially, she seems old for her age.  I guess that's how it goes for second kids.  She still sleeps like a champ--8 to 830!!  And naps from 130 to 430 every afternoon.  OH, and still no teeth!

Happy 9th Month Lou!  Loves loves loves!

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1 comment:

Natalie said...

oh my when did she get so big? and i could eat those thighs. wait, is that too much??? ;)