Our girl is 8 months old!!
After starting to "crawl" at 7 months, she has been full out "all-4s" crawling for about 2 weeks now. We even have had a few successful feats of pulling up (first was day before 8 month birthday). Luckily, she is not very interested in standing. I hope walking is not in the near future.
Baby girl is still LOVING baby food. Eats a ton. 5 jars a day. She has done well with teething biscuits and saltine crackers, but has no interest in real table food.
Gaga made this BEAUTIFUL smocked romper for the Fall and Winter.
The Jist
19 pounds
4 Six Ounce Bottles a Day
11 to 12 hours of sleep at night
No teeth
On our 4th ear infection. Second in 2 weeks!!
Very very content since gaining mobility.
Tongue always out!
Tongue always out!
Refuses to let anyone eat without also feeding her :).
Looking more and more like Mama with Daddy's big BLUE eyes.
Loves music and dancing.
Always getting into non-toy things: magazines, power cords, dirty shoes, etc.
ADORES her brother.
Love to play rough and wrestle.
Tough and assertive around other children.
Tough and assertive around other children.
Very ticklish.
Still very smiley and social.
Happy 8 Months Lou!! We love love love you!!
(new post below)

Ha, her tongue is out in every picture! She is so beautiful! I can't get over her olive skin, where did that come from? And her eyes are so big!
Hey! She is precious! We are almost crawling so my days of being on the computer while she plays on the floor are almost over :( Anyway, where do you get the teething biscuits? I havent been able to find them in grocery store. What is the brand?
Hey! She is precious! We are almost crawling so my days of being on the computer while she plays on the floor are almost over :( Anyway, where do you get the teething biscuits? I havent been able to find them in grocery store. What is the brand?
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