Wednesday, February 4

16 Months

David is changing so much these days and I have loved watching every minute of it.  He has become especially silly and spazzy and really likes to turn it on when new people are around.  We also have a little chatter box now which has been super surprising considering he has always been such a quiet child.  As of now, his words of choice are: yes, please, hi, bye, car, ball, cracker (cracka), egg, paci (pas), blankie (bankie), bath, mama, and dada.  He has become a lot more willing to repeat new words and seems less cautious about trying to talk which has been really fun.  He has developed a fake staged smile that he brings out when he hears someone say, David, smile at the camera.  And he loves to play chase, throw himself on the floor, and run around doing various silly dance moves.  We are obsessed with the Backyardigans and have a serious affinity for music right now.  Most days are spent "singing" along to various songs or dancing around as we play with his musical instruments.  This is a seriously fun age full of cuddling, kisses, and lots of laughter.  I am so thankful for the great privilege of staying home to play with this little man every single day.

(semi-new post below)

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1 comment:

Eleanor said...

Love the top picture!! So precious!!