Amelia Mayton Estess
born March 12, 20013
7 lbs. 11 ounces
Amelia was born via scheduled section on a chilly Tuesday morning. After what seemed like an eternity, Mom was escorted back for surgery. About 20 minutes later, Amelia was delivered into the world by the fabulous Dr. Billy Johnson. Everything with surgery went seamlessly, but sweet baby girl took a little while to "pink up." She came out grey and her cry was pretty weak. We were trying not to worry. We knew you were responsive. I just was afraid you would not scream the fluid off of your lungs with such a puny cry. After a little time, the nurses brought her over and said everything looked great. Unfortunately, we only's had about 15 minutes with her in the room before the nurses realized her O2 levels were in the 80s. What started as a 4 hour trip the NICU, turned into a 3 day stay! We were unsure what the exact issue could be, but Amelia's chest xray showed fluid on her lungs and her white count was slightly elevated.
Because of her stay in the NICU, we have very few pictures from our time at the hospital. In fact, brother and sister did not even get to meet sweet baby girl until the day after we returned home from our hospital stay. However, we really enjoyed our quiet time visiting with Amelia in the NICU and resting between those time. We were so excited because Amelia was released to us for our last night in the hospital. All seemed right with the world after we were reunited. Those 24 hours in the hospital with our sweet girl were some of the happiest of my life so far. Maybe it was new baby love or just the emotional release from waiting for her to well enough to leave the NICU. Either way, our last morning in the hospital, I was literally on cloud 9. I held my sweet baby and soaked up all the time I had missed getting to know her the week before. Mom, Dad, and baby headed out and spent our church day and night at home just the 3 of us. The next morning, the real fun began as we welcomed home the siblings!!
To say these two are smitten with our new sister would be an understatement. David is an incredible helper. Though he often is in his own little boy world, he has truly enjoyed helping me feed her, hold her, and soothe her when she is fussy. Evie Marelle has fallen head over heels and is just eating up the big sister role like nothing I have ever seen. She is constantly calling them best friends or calling her "my precious girl" or just gushing with joy over Amelia's cuteness. I am quite shocked that neither child has really missed a beat yet. Amelia has just seamlessly slid right into our family and everyone acts as if she has always been here. What a tremendous blessing!!
Amelia!!! How we love you so. Everyone thinks you are your Daddy's clone. You definitely have his eyes and inherited the Estess cowlick. I see a bit of your sister in your sweet face as well! You are such a wonderfully easy baby. We have hit the ground running since you entered our lives. I had you at the library with the big kids at 9 days old. You have already attended 3 baseball games in your first month of life and been to the Tennessee Aquarium before you turned 6 weeks!! You never have cried inconsolably and absolutely have never fussed without a reason. As soon as the problem is resolved, you are set to go. I am so thankful that you are a great sleeper. You have been known to fight sleep a good bit, but once we can get you down--you are out for the count. You slept 5 hours in the hospital and slept through the night at home by 4 weeks. You only normally get up once a night and sleep completely soundly between feedings. You love to be swaddled and prefer to sleep on your side. You don't enjoy having your diaper changed and you are slowly warming up to your baths. You definitely love your pacifier and it is a staple for us throughout the day. I try and hold you as much as possible. It would be quite easy to put you in the swing in order to deal with the constant demands of your older siblings, but I am treasuring your time as a newborn and infant. I do not want to miss a moment. You are already smiling and have even giggled a few times. I hope to do my best to document your sweet life in our little family. Life with three is busy busy busy, but I promise I am trying to take as many pictures as I can!!!!!

1 comment:
I love how David and Evie Marelle love her so! Absolutely precious!
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