Baby Girl is a squishy, schmooshy, smiley mess. And we love her so very much.
Month 10 has brought even more personality out of our little girl. She got tubes early in the month and has become even more vocal than she already was. You will never find yourself wondering if Lou is happy because she will certainly let you know if she is not. This is so very different from her brother as a baby and has made her our spunky one. It is funny because I often feel like we are having conversations and all she can bring herself to say is "Mm-Bah." She definitely comprehends a whole lot more than I ever was aware a 9/10 month old could when I was doing this with David. I guess she is just really good at getting her point across :). Evie loves people and is still incredibly social. She never meets a stranger and smiles at just about anyone that will look at her. She learned to clap and is very proud of this new found skill. She also loves animals and I think Marley can tell she is an animal lover. He always gravitates towards her and lets her pull and push all over him without even a peep. The child still has zero teeth, but somehow eats absolutely anything put in front of her and is a bottomless pit. She has started this new thing,when we are out to eat, where she rejects her food once my meal arrives and fusses until she gets to partake of what is on my plate. Her favorite foods are black beans, mandarin oranges, Multi-Grain Cheerios, sweet potatoes, green beans, and carrots. However, I have never seen her refuse anything either. Though Evie doesn't love to stand, she is a crawling machine and has graduated to the 'bear crawl,' where she crawls around on a her hands and feet. She does pull up and cruise along furniture, but it doesn't feel like she will walk anytime soon. Evie also is a wonderful sleeper and never makes a peep before 830 AM. Thanks to her pink lamb that is now brown and nasty, she goes down to sleep in about 2 seconds flat. I only rock her for my own enjoyment :). She certainly does not need it. All in all, she is a funny, fiesty, tough, sweet, and happy baby who adores her brother. So far, there is no sign of the Mama-stage going anywhere anytime soon. She likes to be in eye sight of me and prefers for me to feed and hold her if given an option. However, you should see her excitement when her Daddy walks in the door!! It is too precious. We love you Lou!!
(David's THREE year old post below!!)