This picture is of Dave thinking: Mom, I'm just going to go where I want. Get over it, k?
With crawling apart of our lives now, things are a bit crazy. The place is babyproofed, but somehow David is able to get into things I never imagined he would even notice. Yesterday, his toys were strewn everywhere and yet he was determined to get my lucite lap desk from between the sofa and side table. I would go over, move him, redirect him, and then he was making a 180 within seconds to find it again. He has managed to pull the computer cord down from a table, try to eat the base of a floor lamp, and hurdle the legs of the high chair all while ignoring his toys. I am somewhat nervous about this summer at the lake. I mean we can't exactly tether him to the dock..ha! I guess it is time to say goodbye to the days of our little man quietly playing with his toys on a blanket under an umbrella. Sad!!