(Obviously, I do not blog regularly. However, I do want to document the milestones of each child. I hope one day they can look back and get a fun, detailed picture of what they were like.)
Our baby girl is growing up and is not ashamed about it. She has been dying to turn 3 for months now and could not contain her excitement when the day actually arrived. I will never forget going in to wake her up as a family, singing Happy Birthday. She started jumping up and down in her bed, yelling "I'm not 2 anymore, I'm 3!!!" Periodically, she will just throw both arms in the air and exclaim, "It's my birthday!" If you know Ev, this is not surprising. Her personality is huge and hopefully will serve her well throughout her life.
When I look back on her being little one day, I know I will laugh more than I will cry. She is truly a nut and so much fun to be around. Her sense of humor is incredibly sharp and she is full of life all day long. Like most girls, she loves to sing and dance. She "practices" ballet all day long and adores going to gymnastics. Most recently, she has gotten into princesses. Her favorite is Belle. She loves the movie, Beauty and the Beast. Over the last year, she has cycled between loving Olivia, Fancy Nancy, Angelina Ballerina, and Ladybug Girl. Her newest obsession is Hello Kitty. I cannot believe she is old enough to care about Hello Kitty!
She is not one to really sit and play with one toy for awhile. The only thing that captures her attention is playing babies or doing art. She is art obsessed: stickers, paint, MARKERS, glitter glue, and just about anything crafty. I also want to remember her love for tiny treasures. I often will find her in a corner breaking a bead necklace of hers, so she can carry around the tiny beads in her hand all day. She could play for hours with a bag of gemstones from the Dollar Tree.
To say EM is fashion conscious would be an understatement. She is very conscious of looking silly or wearing colors that "do not match" her. Her favorite colors are pink, purple, and blue. However, we usually have to discuss her outfit at length when she is not wearing pink. She also prefers leggings to pants and fusses over pants the entire day I make her wear them. She loves a good tutu and a princess costume. You will always find her with some sort of accessory and she is very opinionated about how or where she wears them.
This was Evie Marelle's first year in school and she has fallen in love with it. Her teacher, Sheila, is WONDERFUL and they are the best of friends. She looks forward to school every week and pouts every time we drop Brother and it is not her day to go. We are very lucky because Ev is an incredible eater! She is very adventureous and loves to try all kinds of food. Her favorites are cheese (blue cheese and feta), raw carrots, all kinds of beans or peas, greek and asian food. She also LOVES to dip her food like her Mama. Pizza is an all time favorite and so is spaghetti. She has a huge appetite and will often ask to finish her brother's plate. She could eat all day long!
In many ways, I feel like I have twins because EM is so mature for her age and so very verbal. The things she articulates and comprehends is just baffling. She is very street smart and inherently seems kind of with it and cool. She did not inherit this from her dorky Mama!!! Our parenting challenge seems to revolve around helping her learn to submit and obey to authority without squashing her natural independent nature. I know it will serve her well one day, but it definitely has put us at odds as she tries to buck up against my guidance. Though she is stubborn, Ev is extremely remorseful and adorable when she apologizes or expresses her love for family members. She is truly a blessing to our family and such a wonderful buddy for her big brother. I look forward to seeing her fall in love with baby sister, Amelia, in March. WE LOVE YOU LOU! Happy 3rd Birthday!!!