Evie Marelle, Lulu, Lou, Evie Lou, Bop, Baby Bop, Baby Lou, Baby Marelle.........She answers to them all.
Brave, Silly, Focused, Agile, Tough, Girly, Smart, and Squish..............That's our girl.
Evie Marelle is going strong and continues to show us more of her true colors. She is rough and tough mixed in with a whole lot of girly. EM loves all kinds of accessories: shoes, hair bows, clips, jewelry, sunglasses, and purses. However, she spends most of her time playing with cars and balls. It's the perfect combination of her Mama and Daddy. She is surprisingly coordinated and can climb up or down just about anything. She is also great at throwing a ball. Her most consistent obsession is with bracelets--she does not go anywhere without something on her arms. She also still loves her paci and her lamby. Poor girl usually just watches whatever television show Brother has on, but she prefers Dora and Tinkerbell. Evie Marelle loves to sing and dance like most kids her age. Her favorite songs are: Baby Bumblebee, Wheels on the Bus, and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Because she refuses to speak very much, she has come up with signs so she can act out all of her favorite tunes. She has started to talk a bit more and can say quite a few words when she wants to, that is. Evie Marelle LOVES puppy dogs, pointing to all her body parts, and doing animal noises. She is all over the place and quite a nut. I would not say she is one to suffer silently :) and brings a lot of spunk to our days. She is a true gift. We love you Lou!
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