Happy pants is 13 months old and just as sweet as ever!!
She took her first steps the week before New Years and is now full out walking about 80% of the time.
We even got some real live shoes and Evie Marelle is obsessed! She must have inherited her Aunt Susu's love for shoes.
And maybe also her Mama's love for a good bag.
Evie Marelle is starting to look more like her Mama and act a bit like her Daddy.
She loves cheese and is on a vegetable strike.
Baby girl plays so well on her own and just kind of wanders around the house piddling.
Sleep is still her strong suit. We are currently fighting through some eye teeth and besides a few bad nights, she has done great!
The child loves to dance still and lives for her Daddy to walk through the front door.
She even calls me Dada :).
So far her words are--Mama, Dada, Day Day (David), ba-pa (backpack), book, bow, and baby. Even though she CAN say these things, she chooses to grunt and point. She loves her bows and pats her head when she wants you to put it in after a nap. EM plays rough, loves to wrestle, and is surprisingly coordinated with a ball. So far, I am guessing she will be a lefty, mainly because her right hand is 100% clean after a meal. To be such a wild thing, she really has mellowed out lately and just kind of entertains herself. What a blessing this baby is to us!!
Happy 13 months Sweet Girl!!
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