These two are becoming quite the pair. It is a good thing Evie is so fiesty, otherwise, David would be completely running the show. Just recently, Evie has become VERY vocal with her feelings and I have found myself the referee of their every little interaction. It is exhausting. If I'm not coaching David on sharing or protecting his little sister, then I am rescuing Evie from some compromising position. He has had no problem stepping into his role as big brother in the sense that he loves to boss her around, reprimand her, and pick on her. We are talking a lot about who is actually in charge of Evie :). On the flip side, David's take-charge personality has really saved Evie from herself time and time again. Whether she is trying to stand up in the grocery cart, unplug a lamp, or eat some dog food; David is quick to put her in her place by reminding her of what she should or should not be doing. For this, I am thankful, haha. Overall, they are really sweet at times and it's fun to see them have their own little relationship. Evie idolizes her brother and has to have her eyes on him at all times. It has made going down for nap quite frustrating because she knows he is out in the house and refuses to lay her head down being rocked. She just stares at the door whining for her big brother. Sometimes the feeling is mutual, like when I overheard David singing a little diddy that went something like this, "You are my best friend, Evie. You're my best friend." It was so cute, but I couldn't help laughing as I wondered how long that would last. They have definitely entered a new stage where I can see a real sibling relationship starting to form--between tickling, sharing, laughing, and reconciling--I am blessed to help them learn to love and accept one another.