Tuesday, December 9


David is nearing 15 months and he is just more fun than I could have imagined.  Funnily enough, he loves costumes.  He is not of the age to go and initiate wearing one, but when he finds himself decked out he parades around the house and wears it as long as I will let him.  We love this Batman costume.  When we found out David was a boy, my mom dropped a gift bag on our front porch filled with cute boy things: red goloshes, goggles, batman cape, etc.  Such a good idea!!

He has also mastered the art of moving about on his riding toy.  It was a hit for Thanksgiving and he rode it all around the lake house.  You will notice his 'War Eagle' t-shirt...though it did not pull us through the humiliation that was the Iron Bowl, we love it still.  I found it for 3 dollars and I think it must have been meant for our family--or it could reflect the current crummy state of Auburn athletics.  Either way, it is our new favorite t-shirt!

And yes, we are wearing jeans now.  I had mixed feelings about approaching this milestone and was quite resistant until the Auburn-Georgia game.  He was decked in jeans and a white turtleneck with the CUTEST vintage blue cardigan that has Auburn stitched in orange where the lapel would be.  It was his dad's when he was little and we couldn't pass up the opportunity to wear it in Jordan Hare.  Well, he was so precious in those denim things I have begun allowing it more and more.  It is sad and cute all at the same time.

Lastly, you will notice a picture of David parked on a blanket with a look that says, "Are you serious Mom?"  Well, around 13 months David grew a voice.  No, I do not mean a voice that speaks words, BUT rather a voice that says 'You can't tell me what to do.'  I knew this was coming, but had no idea he would sprout such independence so early.  Though I realize he is a toddler and will continue to exhibit toddler behavior for years to come, I wanted to instill a sense of authority and obedience in him as soon as developmentally possibly.  I have a friend who has taught her children to sit on a blanket for 15 minutes as a time and she claims to start them as early as one year old.  The idea is to instill self-control into your children while at home and practice behavioral skills that are much needed outside of the house...such as sitting still when told to.  So, I have stolen this great technique and have implemented in our home about three times a week.  We only ask he sit for 5 minutes for now, but he is slowly learning that this is a time where he must do something simply because Mom says so.  I am not saying he likes it, but we are getting there.  Overall, I have seen a small decline in his compulsion to consciously defy what I may ask of him.  He is still young and deserves a lot of grace for now.  Even so, I am excited that he is starting to learn who is in charge around here and follow accordingly most of the time.  And the parenting journey begins....

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Anonymous said...

what a great idea (the blanket)!!

Anonymous said...

it was me (Denise)